
"márketing directo" in English

"márketing directo" in English
En el caso de marketing directo por e-mail, el problema tiene un claro carácter transfronterizo.
In the case of direct marketing by e-mail, this is clearly a matter with cross-border implications.
Aparte de esto, ya ha habido muchas malas experiencias con los compromisos de empresas que ganan su dinero con el marketing directo.
Furthermore, people have already had bad experiences with pledges from organisations which make their money through direct marketing.
Producción gráfica y actividades diversas de Marketing Relacional, Remuneración de Agencias de Marketing Directo, Marketing On-Line y regalos asociados, y programas de fidelización.
Graphic production and varied relational marketing activities, remuneration of direct marketing agencies, on-line marketing and associated gifts and loyalty programmes.

Context examples for "márketing directo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En el caso de marketing directo por e-mail, el problema tiene un claro carácter transfronterizo.
In the case of direct marketing by e-mail, this is clearly a matter with cross-border implications.
Aparte de esto, ya ha habido muchas malas experiencias con los compromisos de empresas que ganan su dinero con el marketing directo.
Furthermore, people have already had bad experiences with pledges from organisations which make their money through direct marketing.
Producción gráfica y actividades diversas de Marketing Relacional, Remuneración de Agencias de Marketing Directo, Marketing On-Line y regalos asociados, y programas de fidelización.
Graphic production and varied relational marketing activities, remuneration of direct marketing agencies, on-line marketing and associated gifts and loyalty programmes.