
"lorry load" in Spanish

"lorry load" in Spanish

Similar translations for "lorry load" in Spanish
Context examples for "lorry load" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The mining industry is wrong to believe that it has to test every lorry-load of iron ore taken out of a mine.
La industria minera cree erróneamente que tendrá que someter a pruebas cada carga de mineral de hierro extraído de las minas.
The mining industry is wrong to believe that it has to test every lorry-load of iron ore taken out of a mine.
Hace cuatro años, el Parlamento Europeo exigió, a través del informe de la señora Schörling, que REACH se redactara en términos más estrictos.
An eighteen-year-old is now supposed to be allowed to drive a forty-ton lorry with a hazardous load across the Alpine passes - and that after only a few hours ' basic training!
En efecto, un conductor de 18 años podría conducir ahora un camión de 40 toneladas con una carga peligrosa a través de los pasos alpinos,¡con una formación básica de apenas un par de horas!