
"liderato" in English

"liderato" in English
Para finalizar, quisiera mencionar el liderato político.
Finally, I would like to say something about political leadership.
Se supone que los conservadores creen en un liderato fuerte.
Conservatives are supposed to believe in strong leadership.
Bajo el liderato de la Argelia africana, la guerra entre Etiopía y Eritrea llegó a su fin.
Under the leadership of African Algeria, the war between Ethiopia and Eritrea came to an end.

Context examples for "liderato" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
UU. no quiera, la UE debe asumir el liderato mundial en este asunto.
Even if the US does not want this, the EU must take the lead globally on this issue.
Aunque EE.UU. no quiera, la UE debe asumir el liderato mundial en este asunto.
Even if the US does not want this, the EU must take the lead globally on this issue.
No está claro quién terminará asumiendo el liderato en la región.
It is unclear which country will in time be at the helm in that region.
la empresa ostenta el liderato en su especialidad
the company is the market leader in its field
recuperó el liderato de la carrera
he regained the lead in the race
ostentaba el liderato del partido
she was the leader of the party
ostentaba el liderato del partido
she held the party leadership
Exigen que la UE asuma un liderato nítido en el trabajo global en favor del desarrollo sostenible y contra la pobreza y la destrucción medioambiental existente.
They demand that the EU takes a clear lead in the global work towards sustainable development, against poverty and against the environmental destruction now taking place.
A medida que deja de ser un país en desarrollo y pasa a ser reconocido como país desarrollado, la India aspira a situarse a la altura de China y asumir el liderato en Asia.
As it moves on from being a developing country and comes to be recognised as a developed one, India is aspiring to catch up with China and take the lead in Asia.
Tenemos una capacidad de científicos tanto en los Estados miembros como en los países de la ampliación que puede adquirir pronto el liderato si se organiza correctamente.
We have a pool of scientists in both the Member States and the enlargement countries who, with the proper organisation, will soon be able to assume this leading role.
Tenemos que pedir a la comunidad científica de Europa que nos ayude a resolver estos problemas, de manera que podamos mantener el liderato en lo que es quizás el reto más importante del siglo XXI.
We should ask the scientific community of Europe to help us solve these problems, so that we can maintain the lead in what is perhaps the most important challenge of the 21st century.