
"lackey" in Spanish

"lackey" in Spanish
Elected politicians are being converted into lackeys with the task of serving and facilitating movements on the capital markets.
Los políticos elegidos por el pueblo se transforman en lacayos cuya función es servir y facilitar movimientos en los mercados de capital.
The Tories have always been the large landowners ' lackeys.
Los conservadores han sido siempre los lacayos de los grandes terratenientes.
The Tories have always been the large landowners' lackeys.
Los conservadores han sido siempre los lacayos de los grandes terratenientes.

Synonyms (English) for "lackey":
Context examples for "lackey" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Anyone who sees the facts as they are is treated as a traitor to the Serbian people and a NATO lackey.
Todos aquellos que ven las cosas como son, son traidores al pueblo serbio y cómplices de la OTAN.
People are being arbitrarily arrested, excessive force is being used against peaceful demonstrators and the press now serves only as the president's lackey.
También en este país el poder judicial está totalmente al servicio de los dirigentes políticos.
By giving approval for the marketing of this product, you have irresponsibly turned yourself into the lackey of the genetic engineering industry.
Al autorizarlo, usted se ha convertido de modo irresponsable en una fiel servidora de la industria genética.
We are opposed to this EU, this lackey of imperialism and big business, and we are opposed to the reversal which this autocracy means for democracy.
Estamos en contra de esta UE, órgano del imperialismo y del gran capital, estamos en contra del retroceso que esta UE, con el autoritarismo que la distingue, supone para la democracia.