
"la menor" in English

"la menor" in English
A minor{noun}
sonata en la menor
sonata in A minor

Similar translations for "la menor" in English
A- lah- la
la suyapronoun
Context examples for "la menor" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Polonia actualmente recicla la menor cantidad de residuos de la UE, sólo un 4 %.
Poland currently recycles the smallest amount of waste of any EU country - just 4%.
No existe la menor duda de que en este caso no se requiere una mayoría absoluta.
There is not the slightest doubt that in this case no absolute majority is required.
Por consiguiente, no tengo la menor dificultad con lo que ha dicho la Sra.
Therefore, I have no difficulty at all with what has been said by Mrs Pollack.
De hecho, creo que hay víctimas que jamás gozarán de la menor consideración.
In fact, I believe that there are some victims that will never be very popular.
No tengo la menor duda de que el euro surgirá como una moneda efectiva y estable.
There is no doubt in my mind that the euro will emerge as a sound and stable currency.
Seguramente es la vía de menor resistencia, pero por encima de todo es una vía astuta.
It is certainly the line of least resistance, but above all it is a cunning ploy.
No tengo la menor duda de que el Tratado de Lisboa entrará pronto en vigor.
I do not have the slightest doubt that the Lisbon Treaty will soon come into force.
Europa, y en particular la UE, no deben tener la menor duda sobre el particular.
Europe, and in particular the EU, should not be in two minds about this.
Por consiguiente, no tengo la menor dificultad con lo que ha dicho la Sra.
Therefore, I have no difficulty at all with what has been said by Mrs Pollack.
Pero, no tengo la menor duda de que demostrará, sin embargo, imaginación.
However, I doubt very much that this will hinder his imagination in this case.
En segundo lugar: cuanta más transparencia haya, menor será la necesidad del control.
Secondly, the greater the transparency, the less need there is for controls.
Su tasa de incendios es cinco veces menor que la media del Estado español.
Its rate of fires is five times less than the average for the Spanish State.
Las normas propuestas son sin la menor duda menos extensas que las vigentes.
The proposed rules are definitely less extensive than the existing rules.
Los defraudadores buscarán los países en los que la protección sea menor.
The fraudsters will seek out those countries that have the least protection.
No cabe la menor duda de que los tres nos dejaron un desastre ecológico.
It is absolutely certain that all three left us with an ecological disaster.
Se lo mostramos a los diputados belgas y no les hizo la menor gracia.
We showed it to the Belgian members and they did not like the look of that at all.
Es favorable -no me cabe la menor duda- a los intereses colectivos del pueblo marroquí.
I am convinced that this will benefit the collective interests of the Moroccan people.
No existe la menor duda de que África se ha convertido en el continente olvidado.
It is patently clear that Africa has become the forgotten continent.
La menor subvención obtendría la franquicia durante un período determinado de tiempo.
The lowest subsidy would win the franchise for a certain period of time.
(PL) La nueva estrategia de la UE es, de hecho, el hermano menor de la Estrategia de Lisboa.
(PL) The new EU strategy is, in fact, the younger brother of the Lisbon Strategy.