
"la India" in English

"la India" in English
la India{noun}
sobre ataques terroristas en la India, especialmente contra el Parlamento.
on the terrorist attacks in India, in particular against the Parliament.
Tanto en Europa como en la India se sirven los intereses de la oligarquía.
The interests of the oligarchy are served in Europe as they are in India.
China y la India están desarrollando su sector universitario de forma extraordinaria.
China and India are developing their university sector in an extraordinary way.

Similar translations for "la India" in English
la- lah- A
Context examples for "la India" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La UE confirmará a la India nuestro compromiso en la lucha contra el terrorismo.
The EU will confirm to the Indians our commitment to the fight against terrorism.
Haga que se le unan los Estados Unidos y la India, y ya lo tendremos medio hecho.
Take the Americans and the Indians with you, and we will already be half way there.
Animamos a la India a que utilice su influencia para contribuir a esta meta.
We will encourage the Indians to use their influence to contribute to this goal.
¿Dónde vamos a encontrar gasolina cuando toda la India conduzca automóviles Tata?
Where are we to find petrol when all the Indians are driving Tatamobiles?
Como se destaca en el informe, algunos sectores de la economía india son muy frágiles.
As this report highlights, certain sectors of the Indian economy are very fragile.
Lo que les preocupaba realmente no era precisamente la comunidad étnica india, sino Fiji.
Their concern was not precisely for the ethnic Indian community, it was for Fiji.
¿Sería mejor que la economía china o india no se hubiesen desarrollado?
Would we be better off if the Chinese or Indian economy had not been developed?
Es preciso subrayar que los musulmanes están plenamente integrados en la sociedad india.
It should be emphasised that Muslims have largely been integrated in Indian society.
La legislación de la India los protege solo a escala nacional, no a escala internacional.
Indian legislation protects them only at national level, not at international level.
Nuestras relaciones comerciales con la India también son importantes.
For example, both sides have a common interest in protecting indications of origin.
La India mantiene acuerdos y una vinculación económica con ambos vecinos.
It is linked with both neighbours through agreements and economic ties.
Aún peor, admite que existen abusos del desempleo en la India, incluido el trabajo infantil.
These shared experiences provide a solid foundation from which we can build.
La economía india es una de las economías de mayor crecimiento mundial.
The Indian economy is one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
Ya han pedido permiso 950 cachemires de la parte india y 2000 de la pakistaní.
Already, 950Kashmiris on the Indian side and 2000 on the Pakistani side have asked for permits.
La nueva India parece a veces un mundo entero en un solo país.
I did not know that good luck was an active determining factor for the economy.
Pensemos, por ejemplo, en los casos de la India que se mencionan en el informe.
Take, for example, the Indian cases mentioned in the report.
Nosotros emitimos ocho veces más, en promedio, que un ciudadano de la India.
We emit eight times more, on average, than an Indian citizen.
En el interín estuvo en la India
he finished his exams in June and started work in January, and in the interim he was in India
En el ínterin estuvo en la India
he finished his exams in June and started work in January, and in the interim he was in India
La población india, pakistaní y cachemir tienen que centrarse en los factores que los unen.
The Indian, Pakistani and Kashmiri population must focus on the factors that bind them together.