
"kisses" in Spanish

"kisses" in Spanish
to kiss{transitive verb}
to kiss{intransitive verb}
besos{m pl}
when I arrived they smothered me with kisses
cuando llegué casi me comieron a besos
she blew kisses to the audience
tiró besos al público
she smothered him with kisses
lo cubrió de besos
besitos{m pl} [dim.]
Have a good flight and kiss the soil when you land.
Le deseo un feliz vuelo y bese el suelo cuando aterrice.
you may kiss the bride
puede besar a la novia
So I say to all these EU leaders who have kissed and hugged Gaddafi: shame on you!
Por eso quisiera decirles a todos los líderes de la UE que han besado o abrazado al señor Gadafi: ¡Qué vergüenza!
to kiss[kissed · kissed] {intransitive verb}
besarse {vb}
they snatched a kiss
aprovecharon para besarse
kiss(also: buss, peck)
I voted against this attempt to give the kiss of death to State sovereignty on the international arena.
He votado en contra de este intento de dar el beso de la muerte a la soberanía del Estado en la escena internacional.
he put his arms around her neck and gave her a kiss
se le colgó del cuello y le dio un beso
he planted a great big kiss on my cheek
me plantificó un gran beso en la mejilla
chupón{m} [S. Cone] [coll.] (beso)
kiss(also: smacker)
hocicazo{m} [Chile] [coll.] (beso)
kiss(also: peck)
pico{m} [Col.] [coll.] (beso)

Synonyms (English) for "kiss":
Context examples for "kisses" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
he's a very affectionate child who's always giving people kisses
es un niño muy cariñoso y besucón
when I arrived they smothered me with kisses
cuando llegué casi me comieron a besos
she blew kisses to the audience
tiró besos al público
she smothered him with kisses
lo cubrió de besos
love and kisses
besos y abrazos