
"justificable" in English

"justificable" in English
justificable{adjective masculine/feminine}
justificable{adjective masculine/feminine}
La práctica actual no es democrática, transparente ni justificable.
The current practice is not democratic, transparent or justifiable.
En segundo lugar, ¿es justificable que la mujer que lo haga reciba una compensación por ello?
Secondly, is it justifiable for the woman to have this done and be compensated for it?
Sin embargo, esto no es beneficioso para el consumidor ni justificable por motivos medioambientales.
But this is neither consumer-friendly nor justifiable on environmental grounds.
defensible{adj.} (theory, action, conduct)
Eso no es justificable ni desde el punto de vista técnico-jurídico ni político.
That is not defensible in either legal or political terms.
No hay razones auténticas o justificables por las que deba persistir una situación de acuerdo con la cual las mujeres siguen percibiendo una retribución más baja de media que los hombres.
There are no real or defensible reasons why a situation should persist under which women continue to receive less pay on average than men.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "justificable":
Context examples for "justificable" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Pueden decir que la pena capital es eficaz y moralmente justificable porque lo creen.
They may say capital punishment is effective and morally justified because they believe that.
Eso es absolutamente una cuestión de interpretación y en este caso no del todo justificable.
That is surely a matter of interpretation and in this case also not entirely justified.
Este es el contexto en el que se ha actuado, lo cual era justificable.
This is the context in which things are done, and done in a manner which can be defended.
En segundo lugar,¿es justificable que la mujer que lo haga reciba una compensación por ello?
It investigated those concerns, went to Romania, spoke to women and looked at the issues.
Sería una desigualdad que, en mi opinión, no es justificable.
That would create an inequality which, in my view, would not be acceptable.
El empleo inadecuado de dichos fondos no es justificable ante los electores.
That is money badly spent, not accounted for to the voters.
Esperar más no es justificable. También la Unión Europea debe definirse claramente.
It would be irresponsible to delay any longer, and the European Union must also adopt a clear stance here.
Ustedes, Señorías, en su calidad de Parlamento, han señalado que esta solución no les parece justificable.
You have made it known as a parliament that you consider this course to be untenable.
Pensamos que es justificable en el transcurso de un año en el que tantas cosas han salido mal.
We think that we are justified in this course of action in a year in which so much has been amiss.
Es perfectamente justificable elaborar informes similares.
We are perfectly justified in drawing up similar reports.
No es justificable dar dinero a los agricultores simplemente teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de tierra que poseen.
Giving money to farmers simply on the basis of the amount of land they own cannot be justified.
Si bien es cierto que ello me puede parecer justificable en este caso concreto también es verdad que sentaría un precedente indeseable.
In this case, this may be justified. Nonetheless, this sets an undesired precedent.
Sin embargo, debemos darnos cuenta de que la bondad medioambiental de los envases reutilizados no siempre es directamente justificable.
Our quest for better regulation as a Parliament must start with enforceable legislation.
En la justa lucha contra el terrorismo auténtico no todo lo que se propone ahora es justificable y eficaz.
In the justified battle against real terrorism, not everything now being proposed is fair and appropriate - not by a long chalk.
¿Es justificable que el Sudán Meridional sostenga que no, que no deben contabilizarse, ya que no son residentes permanentes?
Is it justified for South Sudan to argue that, no, they should not be counted, as they are not permanent residents?
Se trata de un criterio muy justificable, dado que, además, nos hallamos ante los Estados Unidos, la última parte firmante del acuerdo.
When, furthermore, the USA is involved, as the latest party to the agreement, this view is well justified.
No obstante, dado que la votación no va a tener lugar hasta el jueves, me parece justificable que a pesar de todo se celebre el debate.
But as we are not due to vote until Thursday, I think that there is some justification for holding the debate nonetheless.
En primer lugar,¿es justificable que la donante de óvulos se someta al tratamiento médico preparatorio necesario, que no está totalmente exento de riesgos?
Concerns were raised with the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority in the UK, which is independent.
Por lo tanto, la Comisión no considera justificable proceder a una nueva reevaluación de este edulcorante ni alterar las normas de etiquetado.
The fourth and final amendment calls for the re-evaluation of the authorisation of two sweeteners – aspartame and stevioside.
Por contra, tenemos que implantar un sistema nuevo de reembolsos y salarios que sea justificable y transparente.
I would also like to thank Bent Adamsen and Marianella Martínez, who have helped me, and the Executive Commission and the Court of Auditors for their cooperation.