
"invisibly" in Spanish

"invisibly" in Spanish
Spiritually united and visibly gathered in our Cathedral Churches on
Unidos espiritualmente y congregados visiblemente en las iglesias
Tiles in open places were visibly stained by a rust-coloured substance.
Las baldosas en lugares abiertos estaban visiblemente manchadas por una sustancia de color óxido.
In Central America too, things are visibly on the up.
También en Centroamérica las cosas mejoran visiblemente.

Context examples for "invisibly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We are indebted to the women of our villages, who have contributed incalculably and almost invisibly to the development of the countryside.
Estamos en deuda con las mujeres de nuestros pueblos, que han aportado un valor incalculable, de forma casi invisible, al desarrollo del medio rural.
I can understand the underlying rationale, that environmental costs must be incorporated in the price, but should this be done invisibly at all costs?
Comprendo el fondo ideológico, comprendo que los costes medioambientales deben incorporarse al precio, pero¿es realmente necesario que esto se haga de forma invisible?
I can understand the underlying rationale, that environmental costs must be incorporated in the price, but should this be done invisibly at all costs?
Comprendo el fondo ideológico, comprendo que los costes medioambientales deben incorporarse al precio, pero ¿es realmente necesario que esto se haga de forma invisible?
Keep an eye on Dominique Ristori, a Commission official who is invisibly but inextricably linked with the nuclear lobby, and on other Commission officials.
Vigile a Dominique Ristori, funcionario de la Comisión invisible, pero inextricablemente vinculado al grupo de presión del sector nuclear, y a otros funcionarios de la Comisión.
Anti-personnel mines are among the most heinous devices used in warfare, as they, often invisibly, extend the horrors of the conflict into the future.
Las minas antipersona se encuentran entre los dispositivos más atroces utilizados en la guerra, ya que proyectan, a menudo de forma invisible, los horrores del conflicto hacia el futuro.