
"intransferibles" in English

"intransferibles" in English
intransferibles{adjective masculine/feminine plural}
intransferible{adjective masculine/feminine}
intransferibles{adjective masculine/feminine plural}
intransferible{adjective masculine/feminine}
carta de crédito intransferible
non-transferable letter of credit
Mientras el Usuario cumpla con estos términos, Avid le concede un derecho no exclusivo, intransferible y limitado para acceder y hacer uso razonable de esta Web y su contenido.
As long as you comply with these terms, Avid grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to access and make reasonable use of this site and its content.
carta de crédito intransferible
non-transferable letter of credit
Mientras el Usuario cumpla con estos términos, Avid le concede un derecho no exclusivo, intransferible y limitado para acceder y hacer uso razonable de esta Web y su contenido.
As long as you comply with these terms, Avid grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to access and make reasonable use of this site and its content.
Hay países como España que ya han puesto en marcha un permiso de paternidad independiente e intransferible.
There are countries such as Spain that have already implemented independent and transferable paternity leave.
carta de crédito intransferible
non-transferable letter of credit
Mientras el Usuario cumpla con estos términos, Avid le concede un derecho no exclusivo, intransferible y limitado para acceder y hacer uso razonable de esta Web y su contenido.
As long as you comply with these terms, Avid grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to access and make reasonable use of this site and its content.

Context examples for "intransferibles" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La principal justificación de la postura negativa de la Comisión es que los datos y documentos solicitados revelarían datos personales intransferibles.
The main excuse for the Commission's refusal is that the information and documents requested would disclose sensitive personal data.
El derecho de participación supone reconocer los derechos irrenunciables e intransferibles de los artistas plásticos a percibir una proporción del producto de las ventas ulteriores de sus obras.
Right of resale is the unassignable and inalienable right of creative artists to receive a share of the profits made from the selling on of their works.