
"intransferible" in English

"intransferible" in English
intransferible{adjective masculine/feminine}
intransferible{adjective masculine/feminine}
carta de crédito intransferible
non-transferable letter of credit
Mientras el Usuario cumpla con estos términos, Avid le concede un derecho no exclusivo, intransferible y limitado para acceder y hacer uso razonable de esta Web y su contenido.
As long as you comply with these terms, Avid grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to access and make reasonable use of this site and its content.
carta de crédito intransferible
non-transferable letter of credit
Mientras el Usuario cumpla con estos términos, Avid le concede un derecho no exclusivo, intransferible y limitado para acceder y hacer uso razonable de esta Web y su contenido.
As long as you comply with these terms, Avid grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to access and make reasonable use of this site and its content.
Hay países como España que ya han puesto en marcha un permiso de paternidad independiente e intransferible.
There are countries such as Spain that have already implemented independent and transferable paternity leave.
carta de crédito intransferible
non-transferable letter of credit
Mientras el Usuario cumpla con estos términos, Avid le concede un derecho no exclusivo, intransferible y limitado para acceder y hacer uso razonable de esta Web y su contenido.
As long as you comply with these terms, Avid grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to access and make reasonable use of this site and its content.