
"intercession" in Spanish

"intercession" in Spanish
this shrine, that through your intercession the number of workers in the Lord's
intercesión, se multiplique el número de los obreros de la
Through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Priests, I invoke upon you
Invoco sobre todos vosotros, por intercesión de María, Madre
The intercession is an exhortation to a generous and chaste life.
La intercesión exhorta a una vida generosa y casta.

Synonyms (English) for "intercession":
Context examples for "intercession" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
They shall have no power of intercession, save him who has taken a covenant with his Lord.
Pero ahora, algunos afirman: “¡El Más Misericordioso ha tomado para Sí un hijo!
thus in the nature of intercession: Mary "intercedes" for mankind.
7), María, la Madre, está en contacto con la verdad de su Hijo únicamente en la
And intercession will not avail at all with Him save of him whom He permits.
Di: "¿Quién os da el sustento de los cielos y de la tierra?"
us commend to Mary Most Holy, Mother of Priests, and to the intercession of the
Confiamos a María Santísima, Madre de los Sacerdotes,
with the powerful intercession of the Apostle James, may all of you together build the Europe of hope.
May the witness of the Apostle James give you today the same strength to walk towards Christ, without fear of the storms or the waves.
intercession. Today too, by their witness to the manifold richness of God’s saving activity, all shrines are an inestimable gift of grace to his Church.
maternal de María. Testigos de la múltiple riqueza de la acción salvífica de Dios, los santuarios son también en la actualidad un don inestimable de gracia a su Iglesia.