
"institucional" in English

"institucional" in English
{adjective masculine/feminine}
{adjective masculine/feminine}
A este respecto, el marco institucional federal parece especialmente adecuado.
In this regard, the federal institutional framework seems particularly suitable.
Una política así requiere y presupone un instrumento institucional adecuado.
Such a policy requires and presupposes an adequate institutional instrument.
Los resultados de la negociación han alcanzado este equilibrio institucional.
The results of negotiations have achieved this institutional equilibrium.

Context examples for "institucional" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
A este respecto, el marco institucional federal parece especialmente adecuado.
In this regard, the federal institutional framework seems particularly suitable.
Mientras esperamos a 2004 apliquemos un principio de precaución institucional.
Until 2004, we should apply a precautionary principle in institutional matters.
Creemos que el Tratado Constitucional debe respetar el equilibrio institucional.
We believe that the Constitutional Treaty should respect the institutional balance.
Señorías, señor Presidente, una reforma institucional no es un proyecto político.
Honourable Members, Mr President, institutional reform is not a political project.
Creo que es necesario observar un problema institucional.
There is one final matter: I think a certain institutional problem should be noted.
El progreso sucede mediante este tipo de competencia institucional entre países.
It is through such institutional competition between countries that progress occurs.
Primero tiene que crearse y consolidarse el marco institucional de la Unión.
The institutional framework of the Union must first be created and consolidated.
El espacio Schengen se incorpora al marco jurídico e institucional de la UE.
The Schengen area is now within the legal and institutional framework of the EU.
La solución europea clásica es la competencia institucional - no el control central.
The classic European solution is institutional competition - not central control.
La crisis institucional de Albania es realmente una crisis de cultura política.
The institutional crisis in Albania is really also a crisis in the political culture.
La reforma institucional y la ampliación de la Unión Europea van de la mano.
Institutional reform goes hand-in-hand with the enlargement of the European Union.
La Presidencia sueca ha tenido lugar durante un período de cambio institucional.
The Swedish Presidency took place during a period of institutional change.
La acomodación es social, política y económica, y no básicamente institucional.
Accommodation is social, political and economic, rather than primarily institutional.
Por tanto, lo que sugiero es sustituir la palabra "institucional" por "oficial".
My suggestion, therefore, is that we replace the word 'institutional' with 'official'.
La llamada revolución institucional, que ha durado setenta años, acaba de finalizar.
The so-called institutional revolution, which lasted seventy years, has ended.
Europa necesita adoptar sus decisiones tanto en el ámbito institucional como material.
Europe needs to take its decisions at both an institutional and material level.
Segundo, se basa en un equilibrio institucional de grandes y pequeños Estados.
Secondly, it is based on an institutional equilibrium between large and small states.
. – Europa atraviesa dos tipos de crisis, una institucional y otra política.
. Europe is undergoing two kinds of crisis: an institutional one and a political one.
Algunos dicen que la reforma institucional es una condición para futuras ampliaciones.
Some of them say that institutional reform is a condition of further enlargement.
Estamos seguros de que será un factor de cambio en el marco institucional.
We are sure that it will be a factor for change in the institutional framework.