
"instigadora" in English

"instigadora" in English
El instigador es el Presidente de Sudán, el señor al-Bashir.
The instigator is the Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir.
Mugabe es el principal instigador de la opresión y la miseria del pueblo de Zimbabwe y supuestamente el principal objetivo de la acción de la UE.
Mugabe is the prime instigator of the oppression and misery of the Zimbabwean people and the supposed main target of EU action.
Cada bando señala al otro con el dedo como culpable, como instigador, como responsable en última instancia de estos actos violentos.
Both sides are pointing fingers at each other as to who is to blame, who the instigator is, and who is ultimately responsible for these violent acts.

Context examples for "instigadora" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Les recuerdo que, como instigadora de la idea de una estrategia europea para la región del Danubio de 2008, Rumanía ha apoyado constantemente la aplicación de esta iniciativa.
I should remind you that, as a co-initiator of the idea of a European strategy for the Danube region in 2008, Romania has constantly supported the implementation of this initiative.