
"injustificadamente" in English

"injustificadamente" in English
Los consumidores de toda Europa se ven obligados a soportar unas cargas injustificadamente elevadas.
Consumers throughout Europe are forced to bear unjustifiably high charges.
El primero es que perjudicará injustificadamente tanto a las empresas como a las instituciones benéficas.
The first is that opt-in will unjustifiably harm both business and charities.
De forma alternativa, pudiera ser que se usara para sancionar a los empleadores injusta e injustificadamente.
Alternatively, it may be that it will be used to sanction employers unfairly and unjustifiably.
unreasonably{adv.} (excessively)
No queremos vivir en una Comunidad que limite injustificadamente la entrada de extranjeros.
We do not want to live in a Community which unreasonably restricts the entry of outsiders.
Tiene razón también al decir que, inevitablemente, el sistema impone una carga injustificadamente pesada a los Estados miembros situados en las fronteras de la Unión Europea.
She is also right to say that the system unavoidably places an unreasonably heavy burden on the Member States on the borders of the European Union.
La enmienda 12 priva injustificadamente a la Comisión de toda posibilidad de proponer medidas temporales, mientras que la enmienda 16 lo habría permitido de forma razonable.
Amendment No 12 unreasonably deprives the Commission of any possibility to propose temporary measures, whereas Amendment No 16 would have allowed this in a reasonable way.

Context examples for "injustificadamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señor Presidente, el Consejo se muestra injustificadamente optimista sobre el futuro.
Mr President, the Council appears, without justification, to be optimistic about the future.
Se ha dicho que las calificaciones de los productos estructurales se inflaron injustificadamente.
It has been alleged that there was unwarranted rating inflation for structural products.
No injustificadamente, los africanos tienen la impresión de que son ciudadanos del mundo de segunda categoría.
The impression that Africans get, namely that they are inferior world citizens, is not unfounded.
. - (FR) Quisiera añadir que no hay nada peor que aumentar injustificadamente los impuestos en el momento inoportuno.
(FR) I should like to add to that there is nothing worse than pointlessly increasing taxes at the wrong time.
Pero ha de limitarse a la cuestión de si la Comisión ha valorado correctamente los importes pagados injustificadamente.
But they should only be about whether the Commission has correctly estimated the amounts which were wrongly paid out.
Este sigue huyendo y no ha vuelto a saber nada de sus posesiones y de las de su familia que le confiscaron injustificadamente.
He is still on the run and none of his or his family's unlawfully seized possessions have ever been returned to him.
faltó injustificadamente a las clases
he was inexcusably absent from lectures
Austria tiene que responder ella misma a la con frecuencia dudosa imagen que reina en el extranjero, justificada o injustificadamente.
Austria must take the responsibility on its own shoulders for the often dubious image other countries tend to have of it, rightly or wrongly.
Permítame que le felicite por lo que en el parlamentarismo alemán se designa -injustificadamente en su caso- como el "discurso de estreno" (Jungfernrede).
I would like to congratulate you on what is referred to in German parliamentary-speak, inappropriately in your case, as a maiden speech.
Mientras se mantenga este sistema, siempre estará expuesto, justificada o injustificadamente, al reproche de que se han manipulado los procedimientos.
As long as this system is maintained, the accusation will be made time and again, rightly or wrongly, that proceedings are open to manipulation.
Si sumamos las cifras, vemos que dos tercios de los fondos de todo el programa, justificada o injustificadamente, se destinan al voluntariado europeo.
If we look at the figures, we see that two thirds of the monies under the whole programme are going directly or indirectly into the European Voluntary Service.
O sea, este derecho de consulta no solamente purgará los bancos de datos de individuos que están injustificadamente registrados, sino que también tendrá un efecto preventivo.
They know that they are being monitored. As a result, anyone who has been wrongly registered can be removed from this register, but it also acts as an effective deterrent, in fact.
Además, quiero subrayar que no es tarea del Parlamento Europeo dificultar injustificadamente la comercialización de los productos del tabaco que se pueden adquirir legalmente en el comercio.
I would also like to emphasise that it is not up to the European Parliament to deny tobacco products, which are legally available on the market, a fair chance of commercialisation.