
"inhabitant" in Spanish

"inhabitant" in Spanish
We are therefore the European country that has accepted most refugees per inhabitant.
Con ello somos en Europa el país que ha acogido más refugiados por habitante.
It constitutes less than one cent per inhabitant of the European Union.
Constituye menos de un céntimo por habitante de la Unión Europea.
Malaysia's GDP translates into USD 6 721 per inhabitant.
El PIB de Malasia equivale a 6 721 dólares estadounidenses por habitante.
vecino{m} (de una población, un municipio)
Mr President, I have a particular interest in this issue because I happen to be an inhabitant of a neighbouring island of the UK.
– Señor Presidente, tengo un especial interés en esta cuestión, ya que vivo en una isla vecina del Reino Unido.
Frontier regions where the inhabitants do not understand their neighbour's language cannot fully experience the single market at local level.
Las regiones fronterizas cuyos habitantes no hablan la lengua de sus vecinos no pueden aprovechar a fondo las posibilidades que ofrece el mercado interior.
In part of the country, a large majority of the inhabitants speak a language which is the same as, or related to, that in the neighbouring country.
En una parte de esos países los habitantes hablan en su gran mayoría una lengua que es idéntica o muy parecida a la del país vecino.

Synonyms (English) for "inhabitant":
Context examples for "inhabitant" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Comparing GDP per inhabitant in PPS provides an overview of living standards across the EU.
Comparar el PIB per cápita en EPA ofrece un panorama de los niveles de vida.
We have a level of unemployment only half that of the eurozone, and we have the EU’ s second highest gross national product per inhabitant.
Lo importante son los métodos de organización, la formación de los mano de obra y el grado de eficiencia.
Every inhabitant of Brandenburg, my home, is in debt to the tune of EUR 16 000, but our national economy is structured in such a way that we can cope with it.
Habría que extender a más países la oportunidad de acogerse al alivio de la deuda, igual que Iraq.
Mr President, I have a particular interest in this issue because I happen to be an inhabitant of a neighbouring island of the UK.
Uno se pregunta qué pasará con los residuos peligrosos que según se nos ha dicho constituyen una parte importante de esos barcos.
native or inhabitant of Chesterfield
habitante de Chesterfield
native or inhabitant of Kuala Lumpur
habitante de Kuala Lumpur
native or inhabitant of Brazzaville
habitante de Brazzaville
native or inhabitant of Southampton
habitante de Southampton
native or inhabitant of Addis Ababa
habitante de Adís Abeba
native or inhabitant of Gloucester
habitante de Gloucester
native or inhabitant of Gothemburg
habitante de Gotemburgo
native or inhabitant of Libreville
habitante de Libreville
native or inhabitant of New Castle
habitante de New Castle
native or inhabitant of Nottingham
habitante de Nottingham
native or inhabitant of Portsmouth
habitante de Portsmouth
native or inhabitant of Sacramento
habitante de Sacramento
native or inhabitant of Auvergne
habitante de Estrasburgo
native or inhabitant of Versailles
habitante de Versalles
native or inhabitant of Abu Dhabi
habitante de Abu Dhabi
native or inhabitant of Kathmandu
habitante de Katmandú