
"ingesta calórica" in English

"ingesta calórica" in English

Context examples for "ingesta calórica" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los suplementos calóricos orales se utilizan para aumentar la ingesta calórica diaria total y mejorar el aumento de peso.
Oral calorie supplements are used to increase total daily calorie intake and improve weight gain.
Un régimen alimentario con bajo contenido en grasas significó una ingesta calórica de grasas menor al 20% de las calorías totales.
A low-fat diet was considered as a fat calorie intake less than 20% of the total calories.
La ingesta calórica total fue mayor en las personas que recibían suplementos a los 12 meses, DMP 265,70 (IC del 95%: 42,94 a 488,46).
Total calorie intake was greater in people taking supplements at 12 months, MD 265.70 (95% CI 42.94 to 488.46).
Sin embargo, son caros y existe la preocupación de que pueden disminuir la cantidad de alimentos ingeridos y no aumentar la ingesta calórica global.
However, they are expensive and there are concerns they may reduce the amount of food eaten and not improve overall energy intake.