
"indelibly" in Spanish

character is the configurative and distinguishing sign indelibly impressed
diaconal es el signo configurativo-distintivo impreso indeleblemente en el
an indelible seal on the mystery of the Redemption, explain the meaning of the
marcan un sello imborrable en el misterio de la Redención, se explica el
an indelible stain on the family honor
una mancha imborrable en el honor de la familia
Twenty-seven years of successive military governments have left an indelible mark on Nigerian civilian society, which will take a long time to disappear.
Los 27 años de sucesivos gobiernos militares han dejado una marca imborrable en la sociedad civil nigeriana, que tardará mucho tiempo en desaparecer.
indeleble{adj. m/f}
The Portuguese Presidency has just begun and it has already left an indelible mark.
La Presidencia portuguesa acaba de tomar el relevo y ya ha dejado una marca indeleble.
Therefore the Holodomor is an indelible part of Ukrainian national identity and collective memory.
Así que el Holodomor es una parte indeleble de la identidad nacional ucraniana y la memoria colectiva.
Cod fishing in Newfoundland is deeply ingrained in the minds of our fishermen and has left indelible traces in Portuguese literature.
La pesca del bacalao en Terranova dejó profundas marcas en la memoria de los pescadores y trazos indelebles en la literatura portuguesa.
It would be indelicate of me to remind you that your government ministers have said that such immigrants should be kicked out and sent back to their own countries.
Sería descortés por mi parte recordarle que Ministros de su Gobierno han afirmado que hay que echar a patadas a estos inmigrantes y devolverlos a sus países.

Synonyms (English) for "indelible":
Context examples for "indelibly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
will of Christ, and to respect the constitutive form which he indelibly
de ser obedientes a la voluntad de Cristo, respetando la forma constitutiva que
character is the configurative and distinguishing sign indelibly impressed
diaconal es el signo configurativo-distintivo impreso indeleblemente en el
the incident was indelibly stamped on her memory
el incidente se le quedó grabado para siempre en la memoria
The memory of those who gave their lives for freedom and democracy in Iraq will be indelibly engraved in our minds as we pursue our political undertaking.
Aquellos que han dado sus vidas por la libertad y la democracia en el Iraq quedarán para siempre grabados en nuestra memoria, mientras seguimos con nuestra tarea política.
In the third place, motherhood is indelibly related to the demographic problems of each country and it is generally known that this is a grave problem.
En tercer lugar, la maternidad está relacionada de forma indeleble con los problemas demográficos de cada país y es sabido con carácter general que se trata de un problema grave.
As a Portuguese national I want to say how pleased I am because, once again, the name of Lisbon is indelibly linked to a decisive moment in European integration.
Como portuguesa, quiero manifestar mi gran alegría porque, una vez más, el nombre de Lisboa queda indisolublemente ligado a un momento decisivo de la integración europea.