
"imam" in English

"imam" in English
"imam" in Spanish
imam(also: imán, imám)
Se puede admirar el deseo de equilibrio que ha llevado al ponente a decir "de otros dirigentes religiosos», después de haber citado a los imames.
We must admire the rapporteur's attempt to keep a balance, as he did write 'and other religious leaders' after mentioning imams.
Se puede admirar el deseo de equilibrio que ha llevado al ponente a decir " de otros dirigentes religiosos», después de haber citado a los imames.
We must admire the rapporteur's attempt to keep a balance, as he did write 'and other religious leaders ' after mentioning imams.
La formación de los imames en Europa sería una señal positiva para que las comunidades islámicas en la Unión se sientan tenidas en cuenta inclusive en sus necesidades espirituales...
The training of imams in Europe would be a positive sign allowing Islamic communities within the Union to feel that their needs, even their spiritual needs, were being attended to...
Italy – and I am delighted that the Netherlands agrees on this point – expelled an imam yesterday and is preparing to expel some more people in the next few days.
Italia –y me complace que los Países Bajos estén de acuerdo en este aspecto– expulsó ayer a un imán y está preparando la expulsión de algunas personas más para los próximos días.
We must admire the rapporteur's attempt to keep a balance, as he did write 'and other religious leaders' after mentioning imams.
Se puede admirar el deseo de equilibrio que ha llevado al ponente a decir "de otros dirigentes religiosos», después de haber citado a los imames.
We must admire the rapporteur's attempt to keep a balance, as he did write 'and other religious leaders ' after mentioning imams.
Se puede admirar el deseo de equilibrio que ha llevado al ponente a decir " de otros dirigentes religiosos», después de haber citado a los imames.
The training of imams in Europe would be a positive sign allowing Islamic communities within the Union to feel that their needs, even their spiritual needs, were being attended to...
La formación de los imames en Europa sería una señal positiva para que las comunidades islámicas en la Unión se sientan tenidas en cuenta inclusive en sus necesidades espirituales...
We must admire the rapporteur's attempt to keep a balance, as he did write 'and other religious leaders' after mentioning imams.
Se puede admirar el deseo de equilibrio que ha llevado al ponente a decir "de otros dirigentes religiosos», después de haber citado a los imames.
We must admire the rapporteur's attempt to keep a balance, as he did write 'and other religious leaders ' after mentioning imams.
Se puede admirar el deseo de equilibrio que ha llevado al ponente a decir " de otros dirigentes religiosos», después de haber citado a los imames.
The training of imams in Europe would be a positive sign allowing Islamic communities within the Union to feel that their needs, even their spiritual needs, were being attended to...
La formación de los imames en Europa sería una señal positiva para que las comunidades islámicas en la Unión se sientan tenidas en cuenta inclusive en sus necesidades espirituales...
Am{noun} [abbreviation]
Am{m} [chem.] [abbr.] (Americio)
09.00am - 10.00am Arrival 10.00am - 01.00pm Opening Ceremony 03.00pm - 07.00pm Protocol speechs
09.00am - 10.00am Llegada y Acreditación 10.00am - 01.00pm Ceremonia de apertura 03.00pm - 07.00pm
I am not sure precisely what will happen at 11 a.m. today.
I am not sure precisely what will happen at 11 a.m. today.
Monday to Friday, from 8am to 12am and from 1pm to 3pm
Monday to Friday, from 8am to 12am and from 1pm to 3pm
AM{noun} [idiom]
AM{f} [radio]
09.00am - 10.00am Arrival 10.00am - 01.00pm Opening Ceremony 03.00pm - 07.00pm Protocol speechs
09.00am - 10.00am Llegada y Acreditación 10.00am - 01.00pm Ceremonia de apertura 03.00pm - 07.00pm
I am not sure precisely what will happen at 11 a.m. today.
I am not sure precisely what will happen at 11 a.m. today.
Monday to Friday, from 8am to 12am and from 1pm to 3pm
Monday to Friday, from 8am to 12am and from 1pm to 3pm

Synonyms (English) for "imam":