
"imperdonablemente" in English

"imperdonablemente" in English
imperdonable{adjective masculine/feminine}
imperdonable{adjective masculine/feminine}
Y es sencillamente imperdonable que no se intente disuadirlos de cometer estos atentados.
And failure to discourage this is quite simply inexcusable.
Lo que sucedió ayer fue totalmente imperdonable.
What happened yesterday was utterly inexcusable.
Es imperdonable.
That is inexcusable.
El unilateralismo sin lógica alguna es imperdonable.
Unilateralism without any logic whatsoever is unforgivable.
No podemos detenernos en este punto: sería un gol en propia portería imperdonable.
We must not stop now: that would be an unforgivable own-goal.
Sin embargo, abandonar nuestras acciones ahora sería imperdonable.
To abandon our own actions now, however, would be unforgivable.
Señor Presidente, deseo simplemente reparar un descuido imperdonable.
Mr President, I wish simply to make good an unpardonable omission.
Estos mandatos han sido interpretados equivocadamente por los mulás, lo cual constituye un abuso imperdonable.
These commandments have been misinterpreted by the mullahs, an abuse that is unpardonable.
Quien quiera que crea, sin embargo, que la unión monetaria es un proyecto que actualmente está completo está cometiendo un error imperdonable.
Whoever believes, however, that monetary union is a project which is now complete is making an unpardonable mistake.

Context examples for "imperdonablemente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Es preciso reconocer que durante largos años se descuidó imperdonablemente dicha problemática.
If the truth be told, this problem was criminally neglected for years.
Asuntos comunes a los europeos fueron imperdonablemente relegados.
Moves towards greater convergence were blatantly obstructed.
El Consejo lo ha suprimido asímismo imperdonablemente.
This was something else that the Council criminally neglected.
Esto no ha ocurrido aún nunca y se ha ignorado sistemática e imperdonablemente en todos los acuerdos importantes de los últimos tiempos.
That has never happened yet, and in every important agreement of recent times the principle has been systematically and criminally disregarded.