
"identificarse con" in English

"identificarse con" in English
to relate to{vb} (understand, respond to)
Nadie, a quien constantemente se haga sentir prescindible a nivel personal, puede empezar a identificarse con el auge de la exportación de la economía europea.
No one who is constantly made to feel dispensable on a personal level can begin to relate to the export boom of the European economy.

Similar translations for "identificarse con" in English
Context examples for "identificarse con" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
identificarse con su misma vida y tradición, después de haberlas purificado e
themselves with those peoples' life and traditions, once having purified and
La Unión Europea no es capaz de identificarse con los objetivos que se ha fijado.
The European Union is unable to identify itself with the goals it has set.
Haciéndose pobre, Cristo ha querido identificarse con cada pobre.
In becoming poor Himself, Christ truly became one with each person living in
Haciéndose pobre, Cristo ha querido identificarse con cada pobre.
In becoming poor Himself, Christ truly became one with each person living in poverty.
Nuestro grupo puede identificarse plenamente con el programa que ha anunciado.
Our group can fully identify with the programme you announced.
Necesitamos un enfoque europeo que permita a los ciudadanos identificarse con la Unión Europea.
We need a European approach which allows citizens to identify with the European Union.
Está claro que, en dichos casos, la financiación pública no puede identificarse con una distorsión de la competencia.
It is quite clear that, in such cases, public funding cannot be equated with a distortion of competition.
Ahora, cuando las mujeres miran la «foto de familia», les cuesta identificarse con la UE que ven reflejada en ella.
When women now look at the ‘family photo’, it is difficult for them to identify with the EU they see there.
Esos cambios tienen que hacer que los ciudadanos puedan identificarse mucho más estrechamente con la Unión Europea.
These adjustments must result in people once more being able to identify much more strongly with the European Union.
Los ciudadanos no van a poder identificarse tan fácilmente con el nuevo producto como con el Tratado constitucional.
The citizens will not be able to identify so easily with the new product as they did with the Constitutional Treaty.
Es absurdo hablar de ambiciones y definir la ambición de Lisboa e identificarse con ella sin tocar el presupuesto.
In my view, we are not entitled to life-long earning without life-long learning and this has to be very broadly defined.
Señor Presidente, a veces resulta difícil identificarse con la Unión Europea, y lo mismo ocurre con el caso del euro.
Mr President, it is sometimes hard to identify with the European Union, and the same is true in the case of the euro.
Son muchos los católicos en Belarús, y allí el catolicismo tiende a identificarse con tendencias independentistas y prooccidentales.
When the people of Ukraine claimed their independence, the European Union managed to demonstrate its support.
Ahora, cuando las mujeres miran la« foto de familia», les cuesta identificarse con la UE que ven reflejada en ella.
It is also stated that the EU must take initiatives to remedy situations in which these principles are not being complied with.
Era un hombre amable y honesto, y era capaz de identificarse con el pensamiento político de personas procedentes de otros países.
He was a kind and honest man, and was able to identify with the political way of thinking of people from other countries.
Es absurdo hablar de ambiciones y definir la ambición de Lisboa e identificarse con ella sin tocar el presupuesto.
It does not make sense to talk about ambition and to define and identify with the ambition of Lisbon without doing something to the budget.
Es fácil identificarse con ellos.
It is easy to identify with them.
Según la legislación actual, las ovejas y cabras deben identificarse con un marca auricular o un tatuaje relacionado con la explotación.
According to current legislation sheep and goats must be identified with an ear-tag or a tattoo linked to the holding.
Es de este modo en que el público en general podrá identificarse con la Unión Europea y el trabajo en sus circunscripciones.
It is by this means that the general public will be able to identify with the European Union and the work in their constituencies.
Son muchos los católicos en Belarús, y allí el catolicismo tiende a identificarse con tendencias independentistas y prooccidentales.
There are many Catholics in Belarus, and Catholicism tends to be identified with independentist and pro-Western tendencies.