
"humeante" in English

"humeante" in English
humeante{adjective feminine}
humeante{adjective masculine/feminine}
humeante{adjective feminine}
humeante{adjective masculine/feminine}
un plato de sopa humeante
a steaming bowl of soup
Una vez más –y me temo haber tenido que decir esto demasiadas veces en las alocuciones a esta Cámara– nos encontramos ante las ruinas humeantes del proceso de paz.
Once again – and I am afraid I have had to say this all too often in speeches in this Chamber – we stand before the smoking ruins of the peace process.
Ni una sola palabra del presidente en funciones sobre que los inspectores aún deben encontrar un pistola humeante; Bush y la Unión Europea siguen determinados a encontrarla.
Not a word today from the President-in-Office about the fact that the inspectors have yet to find a smoking gun; Bush and the European Union are still determined that they will.
Señor Presidente, me parece bien que utilicemos la mayor parte de esta tarde en tratar la cuestión de las ruinas humeantes que ha dejado tras de sí la antigua Unión Soviética.
Mr President, I think it is only right that we should use most of this afternoon to discuss the smoking heap of ruins that the former Soviet Union has left behind.
smoldering{vb} (ruin, ashes)
smouldering{vb} [Brit.] (ruin, ashes)

Context examples for "humeante" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
un plato de sopa humeante
a steaming bowl of soup
Ni una sola palabra del presidente en funciones sobre que los inspectores aún deben encontrar un pistola humeante; Bush y la Unión Europea siguen determinados a encontrarla.
Not a word today from the President-in-Office about the fact that the inspectors have yet to find a smoking gun; Bush and the European Union are still determined that they will.