
"homicide" in Spanish

The Attorney-General of Natal charged three top management officials with homicide in 1993.
En 1993 el fiscal general de Natal acusó de homicidio a tres altos directivos.
the death of a sinner, did not desire that a homicide be punished by the
castigar al homicida con el homicidio, ya que quiere el arrepentimiento del
I think that a waiver of immunity should be applied only to an MEP who has committed a homicide.
Creo que solamente se debe retirar la inmunidad a aquel diputado que haya cometido un homicidio.
the death of a sinner, did not desire that a homicide be punished by the
castigar al homicida con el homicidio, ya que quiere el arrepentimiento del
God, who preferred the correction rather than the death of a sinner, did not desire that a homicide be punished by the exaction of another act of homicide".13
Sin embargo, Dios no quiso castigar al homicida con el homicidio, ya que quiere el arrepentimiento del pecador y no su muerte ».13
The lack of an effective security force in this country has meant that various kinds of homicide go virtually unpunished.
La falta de una fuerza de seguridad efectiva ha significado que una serie de homicidios pasen prácticamente sin ser castigados.
Alcohol plays a part in the majority of homicides, and it causes 17 000 needless deaths on the road a year.
El alcohol está presente en la mayoría de los homicidios y causa 17 000 muertes innecesarias en la carretera cada año.
Currently in the EU, some 58 000 citizens die from suicide each year, more than the annual deaths from road or homicides.
Actualmente, en la UE, alrededor de 58 000 ciudadanos se suicidan cada año, un número superior al de muertos en las carreteras y en homicidios.

Context examples for "homicide" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
felonious and intentional homicide
homicidio intencional con propósito criminal
exaction of another act of homicide".13
pecador y no su muerte ».13
vehicular homicide
muerte por atropello
In the United States as well, suicide is often ahead of homicide among the causes of death – in 1997, for instance, there were one and a half times as many suicides registered as murders.
Muchas familias son abandonadas a su propia suerte, sin una ayuda exterior efectiva, cuando uno de sus miembros se enfrenta a problemas graves.