
"hermano mayor" in English

"hermano mayor" in English
hermano mayor{masculine}
mi hermano mayor
my older brother
"Vamos a compartirlos de forma justa", dijo el hermano mayor, a lo que el hermano menor contestó: "Preferiría que los compartiéramos a partes iguales".
'Let us share them out fairly,' said the older brother, to which the younger one replied, 'I would rather we shared them equally.'

Context examples for "hermano mayor" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
siguiéndole los pasos al hermano mayor, decidió estudiar medicina
following in his elder brother's footsteps, he decided to study medicine
Sé que es un capítulo delicado y sé también que ustedes ven en los suecos a un hermano mayor.
I know that this is a sensitive area, and I know that you view all Swedes as big brother types.
le lleva más de una cabeza a su hermano mayor
he is a good head and shoulders above his elder brother
le voy a decir a mi hermano mayor que te ajuste las cuentas
I'll get my big brother onto you
Que nadie se comporte como el hermano mayor de la parábola evangélica que se niega a entrar en casa para hacer fiesta (cf.
Let no one behave like the elder brother in the Gospel parable who refuses to enter the house to celebrate (cf.
supera en estatura a su hermano mayor
he's taller than his elder brother
Es una sociedad en la que estaremos seguros de que nuestros mensajes son confidenciales, que nuestro hermano mayor no controlará lo que leemos.
It is a society in which we will be certain that messages are confidential, that Big Brother is not watching what we read.
Finalizada con éxito dicha gestión, se retiró de la vida pública para reunirse con su hermano mayor Metodio y compartir con él la vida monástica.
On the completion of this task he retired from public life in order to join his elder brother Methodius and share with him the monastic life.
mi hermano mayor
my big brother
Es razonable que haya unas líneas divisorias entre ellas, puesto que sus fines son distintos; nadie desea una «Europa a modo de hermano mayor».
Of course there are some differences between them, since they all have different objectives; after all nobody wants a 'Big Brother' attitude in Europe.
Es razonable que haya unas líneas divisorias entre ellas, puesto que sus fines son distintos; nadie desea una« Europa a modo de hermano mayor».
Of course there are some differences between them, since they all have different objectives; after all nobody wants a 'Big Brother ' attitude in Europe.
La UE no debe aparecer como una especie de hermano mayor, sino intentar lograr siempre que se produzca un diálogo entre países independientes que han firmado un Acuerdo.
So the EU should not appear as some kind of big brother, but should always recognize that this is a dialogue between independent countries which have reached an agreement.
No tiene sentido distinguir entre niños menores y mayores de tres años, ya que es difícil para la UE controlar si un bebé coge los juguetes de su hermano mayor.
There is no sense in distinguishing between children under and over three years of age, for it is difficult for the EU to monitor whether baby sister borrows her big brother’s toys.
Sin embargo, nos oponemos a un Estado europeo que haga de hermano mayor, algo que se opone justamente a lo que establece dicha Constitución, a saber, el respeto del principio de subsidiariedad.
We do, however, resist the European big brother state, which is the precise opposite of what is laid down in this Constitution, namely respect for the subsidiarity principle.