
"gorra" in English

"gorra" in English
cloth cap{noun} [Brit.]
gorra(also: boina)
flat cap{noun}
flat hat{noun} [Brit.]
pillbox{noun} (worn by soldiers, bellboys)
cap{noun} [cloth.]
la manera en que lleva puesta la gorra
the set of his cap
encasquetarse la gorra
to clap one's cap on
gorra con visera
peaked cap

Context examples for "gorra" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
la manera en que lleva puesta la gorra
the set of his cap
van a ganar con la gorra
they'll win in a breeze
encasquetarse la gorra
to clap one's cap on
vivir de gorra
to bludge off others
vivir de gorra
to sponge a living
La tercera gorra corresponde a mi condición de diputado laborista británico que está en desacuerdo con una serie de enmiendas de su propia familia política, el PSE.
I wear my third hat as a British Labour Member who is at odds with a number of amendments from his own political family, the PSE.
gorra con visera
peaked cap
Tengo que llevar mi gorra de ponente y pronunciarme como tal, plenamente consciente de que el Presidente de la Comisión de Presupuestos está muy pendiente de lo que digo.
I have to wear my hat as the rapporteur and speak as the rapporteur, knowing full well that the Chairman is keeping a watchful eye on what I say.
Le ruego que considere al Parlamento como su aliado, quizás también como un mediador honrado entre los que puedan verse tentados a ver una sola gorra sobre su cabeza, y no las tres.
Please look at Parliament as your ally, maybe also as an honest broker among those who would be tempted to see only one hat on your head and not all three of them.