
"Golfo de Guinea" in English

"Golfo de Guinea" in English
Los buques de la UE mantendrán la oportunidad de faenar en las zonas de pesca del Golfo de Guinea.
EU vessels will still have the opportunity to fish in the fishing zones of the Gulf of Guinea.
Es importante porque garantizará la continuidad de las actividades atuneras de la Comunidad en el Golfo de Guinea.
It is important as it will ensure the continuity of Community tuna activities in the Gulf of Guinea.

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Context examples for "Golfo de Guinea" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los buques de la UE mantendrán la oportunidad de faenar en las zonas de pesca del Golfo de Guinea.
EU vessels will still have the opportunity to fish in the fishing zones of the Gulf of Guinea.
Es importante porque garantizará la continuidad de las actividades atuneras de la Comunidad en el Golfo de Guinea.
It is important as it will ensure the continuity of Community tuna activities in the Gulf of Guinea.
Golfo de Guinea
Gulf of Guinea
Santo Tomé y Príncipe es un país insular de lengua portuguesa en el golfo de Guinea, dónde más de la mitad de la población vive con menos de dos dólares al día.
The activity is being organised by Iter Chile, and has received support from the Chilean Association of Municipal Governments (AChM).
Santo Tomé y Príncipe es un país insular de lengua portuguesa en el golfo de Guinea, dónde más de la mitad de la población vive con menos de dos dólares al día.
UNESCO Iraq Office Newsletter April – June 2012 We are proud to share with you in this issue our activities for the period April – June 2012, and we look forward for a busy summer ahead.
Considerando la relevancia de la industria atunera para la UE e Italia, aisladamente, el desarrollo del marco operativo de la flota de la UE en el Golfo de Guinea es de suma importancia.
Bearing in mind the relevance of the tuna industry for the EU and for Italy alone, developing the operative framework of the EU's fleet in the Gulf of Guinea is of primary importance.
Se puede observar una presencia enorme de la pesca atunera ilegal, especialmente en aguas tropicales, como el Golfo de Guinea, donde se mata a los atunes antes incluso de que se reproduzcan.
We are seeing a great deal of illegal tuna fishing, especially in tropical waters, such as the Gulf of Guinea, in which the tuna are killed before they even have time to reproduce.