
"georgiana" in English

"georgiana" in English
georgiana{adjective feminine}
Georgian{noun} (demonym)
¿No ha concedido pasaportes rusos a la población georgiana de Osetia del Sur?
Did it not issue Russian passports to the Georgian population of South Ossetia?
En realidad, reducirá los problemas económicos a corto plazo que afectan a la economía georgiana.
In fact, it will reduce the short-term financing problems facing the Georgian economy.
Todos sabemos que la guerra ruso-georgiana no se refiere a Georgia.
We all know that the Georgian-Russian war is not about Georgia.
georgiana{adjective feminine}
¿No ha concedido pasaportes rusos a la población georgiana de Osetia del Sur?
Did it not issue Russian passports to the Georgian population of South Ossetia?
En realidad, reducirá los problemas económicos a corto plazo que afectan a la economía georgiana.
In fact, it will reduce the short-term financing problems facing the Georgian economy.
Todos sabemos que la guerra ruso-georgiana no se refiere a Georgia.
We all know that the Georgian-Russian war is not about Georgia.

Context examples for "georgiana" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Tanto las personas de la etnia georgiana como otros habitantes están sufriendo en estas zonas actualmente.
Both ethnic Georgians and other inhabitants are suffering in these areas at present.
(PL) Este es un paso importante para que el Parlamento europeo abra sus puertas a naciones países que son obviamente europeas, como la georgiana y la Armenia.
(PL) This is an important step for the European Parliament towards opening the door to nations which are obviously European, such as the Georgians and the Armenians.