
"explicable" in English

"explicable" in English
"explicable" in Spanish
El hecho de que aquí haga más frío ahora resulta asimismo bastante predecible, porque si la corriente del Golfo se ve empujada por el deshielo del Ártico, este es un efecto explicable.
The fact that it is colder here now is also quite predictable, because if the Gulf Stream is pressed down by meltwater from the Arctic, this is an explainable effect.
explicable{adj.} [form.]
Para los ciudadanos, debe ser comprensible y explicable y, sobre todo, para ellos también debe ser viable económicamente.
For citizens, it must be comprehensible and explicable and, above all, it must also be economically feasible for them.
Es importante que el mérito, en un procedimiento que necesariamente tiene que ser transparente, sea fácilmente explicable y comprensible.
It is important that in a procedure which needs to be transparent, merit is easily explicable and comprehensible.
For citizens, it must be comprehensible and explicable and, above all, it must also be economically feasible for them.
Para los ciudadanos, debe ser comprensible y explicable y, sobre todo, para ellos también debe ser viable económicamente.
It is important that in a procedure which needs to be transparent, merit is easily explicable and comprehensible.
Es importante que el mérito, en un procedimiento que necesariamente tiene que ser transparente, sea fácilmente explicable y comprensible.

Context examples for "explicable" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Cualquier recorte, ante todo de la retirada voluntaria de tierras de la producción, no sería explicable a nuestros agricultores.
Any reduction in voluntary set-aside, especially, would be impossible to explain to our farmers at home.
Esta es una de las peores lesiones a la mujer que puedan imaginarse y no es explicable religiosa ni médicamente.
For women, this is one of the most serious violations imaginable, and it is not justified on either religious or medical grounds.
Esto ya no es explicable para nadie.
That can no longer be conveyed to anyone.
No es explicable porqué se debe incluir sólo el tráfico de drogas y no también otras formas de criminalidad organizada.
It is incomprehensible why only drugs trafficking should be included and not other forms of organized or professional crime.
una reacción fácilmente explicable
a reaction which can be easily explained
La materia patentable es jurídicamente difícil, el ámbito es nuevo, la biología es difícilmente explicable para los que no son especialistas.
Patent law is a difficult area, this is a new field and biology is hard to explain to those unfamiliar with the subject.
La reducción de los compromisos, a la que usted se ha referido, nos parece relativamente explicable y no suscita, por tanto, ninguna inquietud por nuestra parte.
The reduction in commitments, which you mentioned, seems to us to make sense and we are not worried by that.
Y en ese sentido yo espero que nuestros Estados miembros intentarán llegar el 6 de junio a Palermo con una situación que sea explicable.
And in that sense, I hope our Member States will try to ensure that they can explain their position when they arrive in Palermo on 6 June.
Neyts-Uytebroeck ahora no es diputada, no es una colega, es ministra; entonces, es explicable que hable de los problemas de los ministros.
We understand that Mrs Neyts-Uyttebroeck is not now an MEP, but a Minister; it is therefore understandable that she should talk of Ministers' problems.