
"evangelizar" in English

"evangelizar" in English
Evangelizar: ¿Qué significado ha tenido esta palabra para Cristo?
To evangelize: what meaning did this imperative have for Christ?
Para evangelizar la cultura en el ámbito de la educación, del
In order to evangelize culture in the field of education, thinking and
Por tal motivo se pide que nuestras fraternidades, llamadas a evangelizar, se dejen evangelizar primero.
Therefore it is requested that our fraternities, called to evangelize, are to be evangelized first.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "evangelizar":
Context examples for "evangelizar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
para evangelizar la vida y el significado de la vida, la exigencia de libertad y
begin, in order to evangelise life and the meaning of life, the demand for
evangelizar continuamente las manifestaciones populares latinoamericanas para
of Latin American piety to purify them and integrate them appropriately in
deja evangelizar plenamente, acogiendo la Palabra de Dios en su corazón
evangelized, welcoming the Word of God, first in her heart and then in her
conocimiento amoroso de Cristo es de donde brota el deseo de anunciarlo, de evangelizar,
(the) living knowledge of Christ springs the desire to 'evangelize' and
El tema central del Capítulo será: “Evangelizados para evangelizar”.
The main theme of the Chapter will be “Evangelized so as to Evangelize”.
83-125) Título I - Los hermanos han sido llamados a evangelizar (Artt.
83-125) Title I - The Friars have been called to evangelise (Artt.
Para evangelizar la cultura en el ámbito de la educación, del
In order to evangelize culture in the field of education, thinking and
Evangelizar: ¿Qué significado ha tenido esta palabra para Cristo?
To evangelize: what meaning did this imperative have for Christ?
comienzan, o la responsabilidad de evangelizar nuevos grupos.
beginning, along with the responsibility of evangelizing new groups.
Mientras dure este tiempo de la Iglesia, es ella la que tiene a su cargo la tarea de evangelizar.
During the period of the Church that we are living in, it is she who has the task of evangelizing.
Evangelizar significa, en efecto, anunciar y propagar, con todos los
Evangelizing means announcing and spreading the contents
Por tal motivo se pide que nuestras fraternidades, llamadas a evangelizar, se dejen evangelizar primero.
Therefore it is requested that our fraternities, called to evangelize, are to be evangelized first.
Iglesia y nos mande nuevos santos para evangelizar al mundo de hoy ".(19)
Many of our contemporaries, it must not be
Importa, pues, evangelizar a las personas,
evangelize their cultures, since the goal is "a question not only of
Lc 1,38) y se deja evangelizar plenamente, acogiendo la Palabra de Dios en su corazón antes que en su seno(9).
Lk 1:38) and lets herself be fully evangelized, welcoming the Word of God, first in her heart and then in her womb.(9)
Evangelizar es la gracia y la vocación propia de la Iglesia, su identidad más profunda” (Evangelii nuntiandi, 14).
“To evangelize is the grace and vocation proper to the Church; it is her deepest identity” (Evangelii Nuntiandi, 13-14).
Jesucristo evangelizador convoca, evangeliza y envía a evangelizar. "Del
Spirit" (Jn 20: 21-22). Jesus Christ the Evangelizer calls upon everyone. He evangelizes them and He sends them forth to evangelize. "From
Es así como la Iglesia recibe la misión de evangelizar y como la actividad de cada miembro constituye algo importante para el conjunto.
Thus it is the whole Church that receives the mission to evangelize, and the work of each individual member is important for the whole.
Entendía que eran los negros quienes tenían que evangelizar a los negros y que no se construiría la Iglesia en Isla Mauricio si no era desde ellos.
He understood that the Blacks have to be evangelized by the Blacks and that the Church at Mauritius cannot be installed without them.
Y puesto que el Señor Jesús y el Espíritu Santo construyen la Iglesia y se comunican en ella, evangelizar comporta escuchar su voz en la Iglesia.
And since Jesus and the Holy Spirit build the Church and they communicate in her, to evangelize signifies to listen to their voice in the Church.