
"estar presente" in English

"estar presente" in English
estar presente{intransitive verb}
estar presente{intransitive verb}
Si realmente no puede estar presente, al menos uno de estos sustitutos debería estar presente.
If he is really unable to attend, one of these deputies should at least be present.
Nos alegra también mucho que la Comisaria Bonino pueda estar presente en Ottawa.
We are delighted that Commissioner Bonino will be present in Ottawa.
Me complace enormemente ver que la Presidencia puede estar presente después de todo.
I am very pleased to see that the Presidency is able to be present after all.

Context examples for "estar presente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Esta demostrando que Europa puede estar presente en el escena internacional...
It is demonstrating that Europe can have a presence on the international stage...
A mi colega, el Comisario Verheugen, le hubiera gustado estar presente hoy aquí.
My colleague Commissioner Verheugen would have liked to have been here today.
Señor Presidente, es un gran honor para mí poder estar presente hoy en este debate.
Mr President, it is an immense honour for me to be here today for your debate.
Así, China está haciendo todo lo posible para estar constantemente presente en África.
China is therefore doing all it can to establish a permanent presence in Africa.
Opino que toda la Comisión debe estar presente hasta el final del debate.
I consider that the whole Commission should attend until the end of this debate.
(ES) Señora Presidenta, muchas gracias a la señora Comisaria por estar aquí presente.
(ES) Madam President, thank you very much to the Commissioner for being here.
PESC para poder estar aquí presente y oír lo que digamos.
Or he should appoint a Mr CFSP so that he can be here and listen to what we have to say.
Perdonen que no haya podido estar presente en toda la exposición del informe.
Please accept my apologies that I was unable to attend the whole debate on the report.
Señor Presidente, le doy las gracias por permitirme estar hoy presente aquí.
Mr President, I am most grateful to you for allowing me to come here today.
Hay que hacer algo contra el paro, y Europa debe estar presente en esta lucha.
Something must be done to combat unemployment, and Europe must play a part in this fight.
Comisario no pueda estar hoy presente.
I also regret the fact that the Commissioner responsible could not attend today.
Sé lo importante que es y tenía la firme intención de estar presente.
I know how important it is and I had had every intention of being here.
Señor Presidente, yo también lamento que la ponente no pueda estar presente.
Mr President, I am sorry that the rapporteur could not be here.
Obviamente mi idea es que el mainstreaming debe estar presente en todo lo que hacemos.
My understanding of mainstreaming is, of course, that this should characterise everything we do.
El señor Simpson no puede estar presente, así que el señor El Khadraoui hablará en su nombre.
As Mr Simpson cannot be here, Mr El Khadraoui will speak on his behalf.
La transparencia debe estar presente en todos los niveles administrativos y en todos los documentos.
Transparency must apply at each administrative level with regard to documents.
Es libre de estar presente; está claro que ha decidido no acudir.
It is free to be here; it has obviously made a decision not to be here.
Lamenta no poder estar presente por culpa de su vuelo, y me ha pedido que la sustituya.
She regrets that her flight cannot get her here yet, and so she has asked me to stand in for her.
Esto es algo que siempre debe estar presente en la discusión sobre la industria de defensa europea.
This should be a constant element in any discussion on the European defence industry.
Esta solidaridad debe estar siempre presente allí donde lo requiere la
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