
"en guerra" in English

"en guerra" in English
en guerra{adjective}
en guerra{adjective}
warring{adj.} (countries, tribes)
en guerra{adverb}
at war{adv.}
Angola está en guerra, una guerra cruenta y que se prolonga.
It is at war, and a bloody war at that, which is dragging on and on.
Cinco de los siete países de esa región están en guerra con sus vecinos.
Five out of seven of the countries in this region are at war with their neighbours.
He constatado que algunos buscan un adversario como si quisieran entrar en guerra.
I note that some people are looking for an enemy, as if they wanted to go to war.

Similar translations for "en guerra" in English
at- in- into- on- on- on- on- with- as- by
Context examples for "en guerra" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
He constatado que algunos buscan un adversario como si quisieran entrar en guerra.
I note that some people are looking for an enemy, as if they wanted to go to war.
Si los norteamericanos han hecho la guerra en Afganistán, son prisioneros de guerra.
If the Americans were waging war on Afghanistan, then they are prisoners of war.
La verdadera guerra fría en Europa que duró casi 50 años confirma lo que dijo.
The real cold war in Europe that lasted for nearly 50 years confirms what he said.
El Grupo Socialista se opuso con una mayoría abrumadora a la guerra en Iraq.
The overwhelming majority of the Socialist Group was opposed to the war in Iraq.
En ese momento, la guerra acababa de terminar y Alemania no era un país popular.
At that time, the war had just ended and Germany was not a popular country.
Se despilfarra dinero en la guerra en vez de invertirlo en el desarrollo sostenible.
Money is being wasted on it rather than being put into sustainable investment.
Señora Presidenta, es la enésima vez que se reanuda la guerra civil en Liberia.
Madam President, the civil war in Liberia has flared up again for the umpteenth time.
Señoras y señores de Europa, no flaqueen de esta forma en la próxima guerra.
Ladies and gentlemen in Europe, do not waver around the next war in this way.
Todo el mundo sabe que la región ha estado en guerra continua desde 2003.
The whole world is aware that the region has continuously been at war since 2003.
Señor Presidente, ayer hubo el mayor número de víctimas en la guerra de Yugoslavia.
Mr President, yesterday the war in Yugoslavia claimed its greatest number of victims.
Una guerra civil en Libia parece preocupantemente inminente y debe evitarse a toda costa.
A civil war in Libya seems worryingly imminent and must be avoided at all costs.
El inicio de la sesión quedó ensombrecido por la amenaza de guerra en el Iraq.
The beginning of the session was overshadowed by the looming war in Iraq.
Cada vez se respeta menos a los ciudadanos, sobre todo, en las situaciones de guerra.
Especially in situations of war, civilians are given less consideration all the time.
Es como para olvidar la moratoria sobre OMG y la amenaza de guerra en Iraq.
It is enough to make you forget the moratorium on GMOs and the threat of war in Iraq!
Sun Tzu afirmaba que el primer lugar donde se gana una guerra es en la mente del enemigo.
Sun Tzu remarked that the first place to win a war is in the mind of the enemy.
En esta guerra reinan la mentira, la propaganda unilateral, la reticencia y la omisión.
This war is governed by lies, unilateral propaganda, cover-ups and omissions.
Antes del 11 de septiembre, Afganistán figuraba en la lista de zonas olvidadas en guerra.
Before 11 September, Afghanistan was on the EU's list of forgotten crisis regions.
En la práctica, Sudán se halla en situación de guerra desde que consiguió la independencia.
In practice, Sudan has been in a state of war ever since it gained independence.
Creo que todos estamos de acuerdo en que la guerra no es algo bueno, esto resulta evidente.
I think we all agree that war is a bad thing - that is motherhood and apple pie.
Actualmente estamos inmersos en una guerra económica y social, más que militar.
Today, we have an economic and social war, rather than a military war.