
"el Perú" in English

"el Perú" in English
el Perú{noun}
La OEA tampoco ha adoptado, por el momento, sanciones económicas contra el Perú.
The OAS has not adopted sanctions against Peru at the moment either.
La situación en el Perú es preocupante, similar a la del Paraguay.
The situation in Peru, like the situation in Paraguay, gives cause for concern.
Espero que se escuche lo que dice el Parlamento Europeo sobre el Perú.
I hope that the European Parliament's views on Peru will not go unheard in that country.

Similar translations for "el Perú" in English
Context examples for "el Perú" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En Perú, el así llamado «Sendero luminoso» masacra pueblos enteros.
It is not good in the countries where the communist guerillas are pillaging, raping and killing.
El Perú y Fujimori, señor Presidente, aún no son una catástrofe: son el desencanto y, por ahora, un aviso.
There are signs of disillusionment and the situation should serve, for the moment, as a warning.
el Alto perú
name applied to Bolivia until its independence in 1825
pasé las vacaciones en el Perú
I spent my vacation in Peru
vacacioné en el Perú
I spent my vacation in Peru
El Gobierno de Perú ha cumplido cabalmente con sus obligaciones al solicitar que un prófugo de la justicia sea extraditado para responder ante la misma de las numerosas causas pendientes.
The Peruvian Government has complied fully with its obligations by requesting that a fugitive from justice be extradited in order to face the many outstanding charges against him.