
"ecuatoguineano" in English

"ecuatoguineano" in English
{adjective masculine}
La Comisión debe reclamar al Gobierno Ecuatoguineano una actuación conforme con la Convención del Derecho del Mar y con el Derecho internacional.
The Commission must call on the Government of Equatorial Guinea to act in accordance with the Convention on Maritime Law and with international law.
El petróleo, la gran riqueza que se está esquilmando a los ciudadanos ecuatoguineanos es hoy el quid de la cuestión, donde reside la fortaleza del régimen de Obiang Nguema.
Oil, the great resource that is draining the citizens of Equatorial Guinea, is now the crux of the matter and the source of the strength of President Obiang Nguema's regime.
Encarcelado en unas condiciones terribles en las prisiones ecuatoguineanas, no se le permitía hablar con nadie, se le tenía racionada el agua y la comida, y estaba en una celda de 1, 50 por 1, 50.
Imprisoned under terrible conditions in the jails in Equatorial Guinea, he was not allowed to talk to anyone, his food and water were rationed and he was in a cell measuring 1.5 m by 1.5 m.

Context examples for "ecuatoguineano" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La Comisión debe reclamar al Gobierno Ecuatoguineano una actuación conforme con la Convención del Derecho del Mar y con el Derecho internacional.
The Commission must call on the Government of Equatorial Guinea to act in accordance with the Convention on Maritime Law and with international law.