
"dramatist" in Spanish

"dramatist" in Spanish
the dramatist makes his characters live
el dramaturgo da vida a sus personajes
Today we mark the anniversary of the greatest of all Englishmen and perhaps the greatest dramatist and writer mankind has produced.
(EN) Hoy conmemoramos el aniversario del más grande de los ingleses y quizá el mayor dramaturgo y escritor que haya producido la humanidad.

Synonyms (English) for "dramatist":
Context examples for "dramatist" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
the dramatist makes his characters live
el dramaturgo da vida a sus personajes
I am put in mind of that excellent account of hypocrisy provided by the famous French dramatist Molière in his play.
Cada uno de estos productos es de hecho especial y merece ser tratado de forma independiente, sin meter a todos en el mismo saco.
As illustrated by the great Greek dramatist, Aeschylus, in the tragedy 'The Eumenides', a society which fails to punish crime will open the door to growing criminality.
El gran poeta trágico griego, Esquilo, demostró en la tragedia Las Euménides que una sociedad que se despreocupaba de castigar el delito daba lugar a una delincuencia creciente.
As illustrated by the great Greek dramatist, Aeschylus, in the tragedy 'The Eumenides ', a society which fails to punish crime will open the door to growing criminality.
El gran poeta trágico griego, Esquilo, demostró en la tragedia Las Euménides que una sociedad que se despreocupaba de castigar el delito daba lugar a una delincuencia creciente.