
"playwright" in Spanish

I recently saw a new interpretation by that admirable Irish playwright, Frank McGuinness, of Hecuba by Euripides.
Hace poco vi una nueva interpretación del admirable dramaturgo irlandés Frank McGuinness de Hécuba, de Eurípides.
a playwright steeped in classical Greek theater
un dramaturgo empapado del teatro griego clásico
Madam President, the Joxer character created by the great Irish playwright, Sean O'Casey, observed the whole world as 'in a state of chassis'.
Señora Presidenta, el personaje de Joxer, creado por el gran dramaturgo irlandés Sean O'Casey, observaba el mundo como "en un estado de caos".
he was an outstanding playwright
destacó como autor teatral
an outstanding playwright
un destacado autor teatral

Synonyms (English) for "playwright":
Context examples for "playwright" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
a playwright steeped in classical Greek theater
un dramaturgo empapado del teatro griego clásico
I recently saw a new interpretation by that admirable Irish playwright, Frank McGuinness, of Hecuba by Euripides.
Los clasicistas y aficionados al teatro entre ustedes recordarán que se trata de un drama sombrío y sangriento de muerte, odio y venganza.
he was an outstanding playwright
destacó como autor teatral
an outstanding playwright
un destacado autor teatral
Multidisciplinary artist Robert Lepage is not only a masterful playwright, but also a renowned stage director, actor and producer.
Como el artista multidisciplinar que es, Robert Lepage ejerce con la misma maestría el oficio de artista dramático, director de escena, actor y realizador.
the playwright
el autor de la obra