
"distributivo" in English

"distributivo" in English
{adjective masculine}
las libertades de los ciudadanos, atendiendo a la justicia distributiva, debe
of the citizens, is bound according to the principle of distributive justice to
distributiva y de la solidaridad humana.
distributive justice and human solidarity.
Pero también a otros: a algunos gobiernos europeos que alentaron un consumo excesivo y una especie de mentalidad distributiva entre la gente.
But others too - some European governments which encouraged excessive consumption and a sort of distributive mentality amongst people.
las libertades de los ciudadanos, atendiendo a la justicia distributiva, debe
of the citizens, is bound according to the principle of distributive justice to
distributiva y de la solidaridad humana.
distributive justice and human solidarity.
Primero, porque no hubo valor para modificar el status quo de las políticas comunitarias y de sus efectos distributivos.
The first reason for this is that the courage needed to alter the status quo of Community policies and their distributive effects was lacking.
{adjective masculine}