
"disbandment" in Spanish

"disbandment" in Spanish
to disband{transitive verb}
to disband{intransitive verb}
disolución{f} (de un grupo, equipo, etc.)
What is needed is the disbandment of NATO.
Lo que se necesita es la disolución de la OTAN.
This includes the immediate disbandment of the military and civilian instruments of repression, the prosecution of paramilitary groups, an end to impunity and compensation for the victims.
Aquí se incluye una disolución inmediata de los aparatos de represión militares y civiles, la persecución penal de los paramilitares, acabar con la impunidad e indemnizaciones a las víctimas.
In the end, they were actually disbanded without violence, demonstrating the fact that, as Europeans, we do not need military solutions to unite us.
Al final, estos se desbandaron sin violencia, demostrando así que los europeos no necesitamos soluciones militares para unirnos.
The army have failed miserably to disarm and disband the militia.
Desgraciadamente, el ejército no ha logrado desarmar y disolver a la milicia.
This parody must be stopped, the so-called court disbanded and Slobodan Milosevic freed.
Se debe poner fin a esta parodia, disolver ese supuesto tribunal y liberar a Slobodan Milosevic.
It also has to be made clear to the ruling party that it cannot abuse the powers it has to disband the opposition.
También hay dejarle claro al partido que ostenta el poder que no puede abusar de ese poder para disolver a la oposición.
to disband[disbanded · disbanded] {intransitive verb}
I remind you that in my country in 2004 the biggest party in the country, Vlaams Blok, which won 24% of the vote, was simply proscribed and had to be disbanded.
Les recuerdo que en mi país, en 2004, el mayor partido del mismo, Vlaams Blok, que había obtenido un 24 % de los votos, fue proscrito sin más y hubo de disolverse.

Context examples for "disbandment" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
For that reason, the only sensible thing to call for is the disbandment of Frontex.
Por esta razón, la única exigencia sensata es la desaparición de la FRONTEX.