
"diatriba" in English

"diatriba" in English
En conclusión, lo que queremos es un marco preventivo y no una diatriba de prohibiciones.
In conclusion, what we want is a precautionary framework and not a prohibitive diatribe.
Señor Presidente, quisiera preguntarle al señor Bloom qué acogida tuvo su diatriba en Cambridge.
Mr President, I would like to ask Mr Bloom just how his diatribe was received at Cambridge.
– Señor Presidente, pido disculpas por no haber podido estar presente en la parte inicial de esta apasionada diatriba contra la liberalización.
Mr President, I am sorry I was not here for the initial part of that very passionate diatribe against liberalisation.
Espero que los próximos meses sean fecundos en el plano del debate político, dejando las diatribas y la demagogia para los xenófobos y los racistas.
I hope that the next few months will be fruitful as regards political debate, so that invective and demagogy are left to the xenophobes and racists.
diatriba contra algo
tirade against sth
Me parece completamente absurdo que Grecia continúe con esta vieja y, francamente, ridícula diatriba sobre la denominación de Macedonia.
It seems to me blatantly absurd that Greece should continue to pursue this long-standing and, frankly, ridiculous tirade against the name of Macedonia.
Las histéricas diatribas dirigidas por los medios de comunicación de Moscú contra los georgianos que viven en Rusia hacen que no se sientan seguros en el territorio de la Federación Rusa.
The hysterical tirades directed by the Moscow media against Georgians living in Russia mean that they do not feel safe on the territory of the Russian Federation.
brickbat{noun} (critical comment)
fulmination{noun} [form.]

Synonyms (Spanish) for "diatriba":
Context examples for "diatriba" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En lo que respecta a la diatriba acerca del texto actual, creo que el Parlamento debe defender todo lo que se ha conseguido con él.
A country’ s approach to the European Constitution is not simply a test of its will to help build a common Europe.
diatriba contra algo
tirade against sth