
"invectiva" in English

"invectiva" in English
broadside{noun} (attack)
polemic{noun} (attack)
invectiva contra algo
tirade against sth
Es contraproducente abordar un asunto tan importante como el fundamentalismo religioso con una invectiva de fundamentalismo político como la que conforma en gran medida este informe.
It is counter-productive to approach such an important issue as religious fundamentalism with a tirade of political fundamentalism of the kind that this report is largely made up of.
invective{noun} (condemnation)
La respuesta es que lanzan ustedes invectivas sobre ustedes mismos y se lo merecen.
The answer is that you heap invective on yourselves and you deserve it.
El Sr. Barón Crespo me acusa de lanzar invectivas contra los socialistas.
Mr Barón Crespo accuses me of heaping invective on the socialists.
No nos interesa lanzar invectivas, ni nos gustaría hacerlo.
It is not in our interests to hurl invective, nor would we wish to do so.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "invectiva":
Context examples for "invectiva" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
en su última invectiva, culpa a los críticos
in her latest outpouring, she blames the critics
Al contrario, en nombre de la democracia deberíamos dedicar una seria invectiva a cualquiera que pisotee nuestros valores más preciados.
On the contrary, in the name of democracy we should subject anyone who tramples our most precious values under foot to a verbal onslaught.
invectiva contra algo
tirade against sth