
"detenté" in English

"detenté" in English
detentar{transitive verb}
detentar(also: asir)
Al menos en la RFA, los consorcios detentan la mayoría de las patentes y la siguen ampliando.
In Germany at least, most patents are held by companies that are constantly extending their patents.
No es un favor concedido por nadie que detente un poder.
It is not a favour granted by whoever holds power.
Por último, quiero decir a Suecia, país que detenta la Presidencia, y que continua respetando la decisión del pueblo sueco que votó contra el euro.
Finally, I want to say to Sweden, the country to hold the presidency, that you continue to respect the decision of the Swedish people, who voted against the euro.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "detentar":
Context examples for "detenté" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Defiendo el rechazo total del arma nuclear, sea quien sea el que la detente.
I am for the total ban of the nuclear weapons whoever has it.
No es un favor concedido por nadie que detente un poder.
It is not a favour granted by whoever holds power.
Aquí se incluye que el quinto programa marco de investigación -con lo que quiero ser algo más concreto- detente también un aspecto global.
If it does, then the Fifth Research Framework Programme - to be more specific - must also have a global aspect.
detente un momento
to bide awhile