
"deshilachado" in English

"deshilachado" in English
deshilachado{adjective masculine}
deshilachado{adjective masculine}
shredded{adj.} [bot.]
frayed{adj.} (collar, cloth)
el paño se había deshilachado en los bordes
the cloth had frayed at the edges
to fray[frayed · frayed] {v.t.} (deliberately)
Tejemos lazos que luego zurcimos cuando se deshilachan.
We have woven ties which we mend when they become frayed.
Debemos procurar que el Derecho contractual no deshilache nuestras propuestas y que no terminemos con remiendos en nuestra legislación.
We must take care that contract law does not cause our proposals to fray at the edges so that we end up with patchwork legislation.
Compruebe los cables telefónicos para asegurarse de que no estén dañados, deshilachados o enrollados alrededor de otros cables eléctricos o de teléfono.
Check your telephone wires to be sure they aren't damaged, frayed, or twisted around power or other telephone cables.

Context examples for "deshilachado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
el paño se había deshilachado en los bordes
the cloth had frayed at the edges