
"desangrar" in English

"desangrar" in English
desangrar{transitive verb}
Si una de estas ruedecillas desaparece en este circuito, entonces se producen desequilibrios y regiones enteras se desangran.
If one of these cogs in the life cycle disappears, imbalances will appear and whole regions bleed to death.
Se firmó el TLC y Méjico fue desangrado.
The NAFTA has been signed and Mexico has been bled dry.
La Convención ha sido desangrada casi completamente por una IGC virtual con la llegada de un gran número de ministros de Asuntos Exteriores.
The Convention has been bled almost dry by a virtual IGC with the arrival of numerous Foreign Affairs ministers.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "desangrar":
Context examples for "desangrar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En primer lugar, Europa exige una mínima cohesión de este Parlamento: no se puede desangrar en un debate tan profundo de dos concepciones de la sociedad europea.
Firstly, Europe requires a minimum level of cohesion from Parliament: it cannot bleed itself dry in such a profound debate on two concepts of European society.