
"defensivamente" in English

"defensivamente" in English
defensively{adv.} (behave, play)
defensivamente son muy débiles
defensively they're very weak
Quizás me es suficiente con decir que es a ustedes a quienes debemos la distinción entre trabajar defensivamente y trabajar ofensivamente.
It is perhaps enough for me to say that it is to you that we owe the distinction between working defensively and working offensively.
En muchos aspectos las normas de la OMC no son normas neutrales que se puedan utilizar defensivamente para proteger los intereses de los miembros más débiles.
In many ways the rules of the WTO are not neutral ones that can be used defensively to protect the interests of the weakest players.
defensively{adv.} (in the defense)
defensivamente son muy débiles
defensively they're very weak
Quizás me es suficiente con decir que es a ustedes a quienes debemos la distinción entre trabajar defensivamente y trabajar ofensivamente.
It is perhaps enough for me to say that it is to you that we owe the distinction between working defensively and working offensively.
En muchos aspectos las normas de la OMC no son normas neutrales que se puedan utilizar defensivamente para proteger los intereses de los miembros más débiles.
In many ways the rules of the WTO are not neutral ones that can be used defensively to protect the interests of the weakest players.

Context examples for "defensivamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
defensivamente son muy débiles
defensively they're very weak
Quizás me es suficiente con decir que es a ustedes a quienes debemos la distinción entre trabajar defensivamente y trabajar ofensivamente.
It is perhaps enough for me to say that it is to you that we owe the distinction between working defensively and working offensively.
En muchos aspectos las normas de la OMC no son normas neutrales que se puedan utilizar defensivamente para proteger los intereses de los miembros más débiles.
In many ways the rules of the WTO are not neutral ones that can be used defensively to protect the interests of the weakest players.