
"de cabo a rabo" in English

"de cabo a rabo" in English

Context examples for "de cabo a rabo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
A este respecto, el excelente consejo de Montesquieu sin duda debe aplicarse de cabo a rabo.
Here Montesquieu's excellent advice should definitely be applied lock, stock and barrel.
La fusión es un elefante blanco de cabo a rabo, en el que se han despilfarrado miles de millones de ecus.
Fusion is a complete white elephant, on which billions of ECUs have been wasted.
Si alguien cree que se puede continuar así en el siglo XXI, se equivoca de cabo a rabo.
If anybody thinks it can continue like that in the 21st century then they are simply terribly mistaken.
Se trata de los derechos de este Parlamento y este es el mensaje que deben entender de cabo a rabo.
It is about the rights of this Parliament and that is the message they have to understand through and through.
Robbin: Brian, te conoces Windows7 de cabo a rabo.
Robbin: Brian, you know Windows7 inside and out.
leer algo de cabo a rabo
to read sth from cover to cover
Más en general, hoy se vuelve a examinar de cabo a rabo el papel económico, social y, por tanto, ocupacional del sistema automovilístico en Europa.
More generally, the economic, social and hence occupational role of the motor car is now being reviewed from top to bottom.
Los políticos nacionales que creen que Europa no puede contribuir a la lucha contra el desempleo ejecutando proyectos de infraestructura que superan el interés nacional se equivocan de cabo a rabo.
Those national politicians who believe that Europe cannot help to combat unemployment by carrying out infrastructure projects over and above the national interest have totally misunderstood.