
"contrato de compra" in English

"contrato de compra" in English
contrato de compra en cuotas
hire-purchase agreement
contrato de compra a plazos
hire-purchase agreement

Similar translations for "contrato de compra" in English
Context examples for "contrato de compra" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
de conformidad con las determinadas en el contrato de compra
conflicts of interest (DSU 17.3)
Las principales características del contrato de compra del edificio Berlaymont de la Comisión se hicieron públicas el pasado 23 de octubre.
The main features of the contract on the purchase of the Commission's Berlaymont building were revealed on 23 October last.
contrato de compra en cuotas
hire-purchase agreement
contrato de compra y venta
bargain and sale contract
contrato de compra a plazos
hire-purchase agreement
Si la empresa fuera comprada por un inversor estratégico, el contrato de compra deberá supeditarse a dicho cierre para la fecha indicada;
In the event of purchase of the company by a strategic investor, the purchase contract shall be made conditional on this closure by this date;
De esa manera, los consumidores no tendrán que preocuparse por realizar sus pagos si no están satisfechos o si desean rescindir el contrato de compra durante dicho periodo.
In that way, consumers will not have to worry about making down payments if they are not satisfied or if they wish to withdraw from the purchase during the period of reflection.