
"contaminada" in English

"contaminada" in English
contaminada{adjective feminine}
contaminada{adjective feminine}
Una zona aproximadamente del tamaño de Gran Bretaña permanece contaminada y es inhabitable.
An area about the size of Britain is permanently contaminated and uninhabitable.
En la EEB está claro que el origen está en la harina animal contaminada.
In the case of BSE it is clear the origin lies in contaminated animal feed.
Pudimos valorarlo en Francia con el drama de la sangre contaminada.
We have been able to measure it in France, in the 'contaminated blood ' drama.

Context examples for "contaminada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Una zona aproximadamente del tamaño de Gran Bretaña permanece contaminada y es inhabitable.
An area about the size of Britain is permanently contaminated and uninhabitable.
En la EEB está claro que el origen está en la harina animal contaminada.
In the case of BSE it is clear the origin lies in contaminated animal feed.
Pudimos valorarlo en Francia con el drama de la sangre contaminada.
We have been able to measure it in France, in the 'contaminated blood ' drama.
Ha permitido que harina de carne y hueso contaminada se comercialice libremente en toda Europa.
It allowed contaminated meat and bonemeal to be traded freely throughout Europe.
Pudimos valorarlo en Francia con el drama de la sangre contaminada.
We have been able to measure it in France, in the 'contaminated blood' drama.
En Alemania, muchas personas de la zona de Ruhr saben lo que es tener el agua contaminada.
In Germany, many people in the Ruhr area know what it is like to have contaminated water.
Los alimentos de la región contaminada siguen siendo no aptos para el consumo.
Food from the polluted area remains unsuitable for consumption.
Este año, la costa búlgara del Mar Negro se vio contaminada por mareas negras en tres ocasiones.
This year the Bulgarian Black Sea coast was polluted by oil slicks on three occasions.
Huelga decir que no exportaremos carne contaminada con dioxina o EEB.
Needless to say, we will not be exporting any meat that is contaminated with dioxin or BSE.
El agua subterránea sigue altamente contaminada de mercurio, que no se va a eliminar por sí solo.
The ground water is heavily contaminated with mercury, and that is not going to go away.
Sus perspectivas se limitan, bien la vida en un campamento, bien a una Mitrovica contaminada con plomo.
Their prospects involve either life in a camp or lead-polluted Mitrovica.
Sin duda, nuestro objetivo de ser la región menos contaminada del mundo sólo puede beneficiarnos.
Indeed, our aim to become the least polluted region in the world cannot but be to our advantage.
Las aldeas abandonadas, situadas dentro de la zona contaminada en Belarús, vuelven a repoblarse.
Villages inside the contaminated zone in Belarus which were abandoned are now being populated again.
Sigue existiendo mucha incertidumbre sobre lo que sucederá con el tóxico y la tripulación contaminada.
There is still much uncertainty as to what will happen with the poison and the contaminated crew.
En la región de Gomel, que se halla contaminada, viven 2 millones de personas, entre ellas 500000 niños.
In the Gomel Oblast, which is contaminated, there are 2 million people, including 500 00 children.
El mar Báltico, que pronto formará parte de la Unión Europea, es la zona más contaminada del mundo.
The Baltic Sea, which will soon be virtually an internal sea of the EU, is the world's most polluted sea.
Todavía quedan muchos puntos inciertos respecto a lo que ocurrirá con el veneno y la tripulación contaminada.
There is still much uncertainty as to what will happen with the poison and the contaminated crew.
También la agricultura necesita disponer de agua no contaminada en cantidad suficiente para poder desarrollarse.
You can only farm if you have an adequate supply of clean water.
Una población entera podría ser contaminada en una noche.
Whole communities could be contaminated overnight.
Si mezclamos sangre, obtenemos sangre contaminada.
If you blend blood, then you make contaminated blood.