
"consustancial" in English

"consustancial" in English
consustancial{adjective masculine/feminine}
consustancial{adjective masculine/feminine}
inherent{adj.} [rel.]
Esto es algo consustancial al sistema de patentes.
This is inherent in the patent system.
inbuilt{adj.} (inequalities, discrimination, limitations)

Context examples for "consustancial" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Y el cambio, después de todo, es consustancial a la Unión Europea.
And change, after all, is what the European Union has always been about.
Las víctimas en el mar se han convertido, desgraciadamente, en elemento consustancial a la profesión pesquera.
Casualties at sea have, unfortunately, become an integral part of the fishing profession.
de Dios consustancial al Padre, ha aceptado la ignominiosa muerte de cruz.
ignominious death on the Cross.
Uno de los principios fundadores de la Unión Europea es que la tolerancia religiosa y cultural es consustancial a una sociedad democrática y civilizada.
A founding principle of the European Union is that religious and cultural tolerance is integral to a democratic and civilised society.
Este valor de solidaridad es, en efecto, el que mejor resume el modelo social europeo, que es consustancial a la construcción comunitaria.
This value, this solidarity, is indeed what best sums up the European social model, which is consubstantial with the construction of the European Community.
El desempleo, por ejemplo, se está interpretando como una falta de espíritu emprendedor por parte de las personas desempleadas, en lugar de un elemento consustancial del capitalismo.
Unemployment, for example, is being interpreted as a lack of entrepreneurship on the part of the unemployed rather than as a constituent element of capitalism.
El desempleo, por ejemplo, se está interpretando como una falta de espíritu emprendedor por parte de las personas desempleadas, en lugar de un elemento consustancial del capitalismo.
Recital G describes the Middle East Quartet ’ s peace plan as ‘ an unparalleled opportunity for the West to restore its credibility in the eyes of Arab and Islamic public opinion’.