
"citrus fruit" in Spanish

"citrus fruit" in Spanish
I should like to point out that citrus fruit producers have applied to the US courts for the ban to be lifted temporarily.
También quisiera referirme a que los productores de cítricos han solicitado la anulación de la prohibición en los tribunales norteamericanos.
We cannot enter into dialogue as if nothing had happened, with a party that is doing so much harm to the Community citrus fruit sector.
No se puede dialogar como si nada hubiera pasado, con quien tanto perjuicio está causando al sector de los cítricos comunitarios.
The Commission's proposal to reduce the maximum citrus-fruit withdrawal ceiling from 10 % to 5 % is unjustified and I believe it should not be upheld.
La propuesta de la Comisión de reducir el límite máximo de retirada en cítricos del 10 al 5 % no está justificada y creo que no debe mantenerse.

Synonyms (English) for "citrus fruit":
Similar translations for "citrus fruit" in Spanish
Context examples for "citrus fruit" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Edible fruit and nuts; peel of melons or citrus fruit
Frutos comestibles; cortezas de agrios y de melones
a region that exports citrus fruit
una región exportadora de cítricos