
"chuckle" in Spanish

"chuckle" in Spanish
to chuckle{intransitive verb}
he gave a satisfied chuckle
soltó una risita de satisfacción
Tragically, justice for Robert McCartney is secondary to maintaining the 'chuckle coalition' at Stormont.
Resulta trágico que la justicia a favor de Robert McCartney pase a segundo término respecto al mantenimiento de la "coalición de los hermanos risitas" en Stormont.

Synonyms (English) for "chuckle":
Context examples for "chuckle" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
he gave a satisfied chuckle
soltó una risita de satisfacción
it might raise a chuckle
puede que haga reír
'That is how much the national freedom to determine one' s own financial and tax policy is worth,' the opponents of EMU in my homeland cheerfully chuckle.
Esto era todo lo que valía la libertad nacional para decidir sobre la política financiera y fiscal" cacarean alegremente los opositores a la UEM en mi país.
'That is how much the national freedom to determine one's own financial and tax policy is worth, ' the opponents of EMU in my homeland cheerfully chuckle.
Esto era todo lo que valía la libertad nacional para decidir sobre la política financiera y fiscal " cacarean alegremente los opositores a la UEM en mi país.