
"card vote" in Spanish


Context examples for "card vote" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We have never asked to see Mr Prodi' s party membership card in order to vote him into such a high post.
Ni antes ni ahora le hemos exigido ningún carnet de partido al Sr. Prodi para votarle a tan alta responsabilidad.
There was a card vote from Mrs Baldi when she was not present, and that gives rise to the application of paragraph 1 of Rule 110.
Como hubo un voto con la tarjeta de la Sra. Baldi sin estar ella presente, esto da lugar a la aplicación del apartado 1 del artículo 110.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are able to carry out a technical check to see whether there is a card that managed to vote all on its own, because that seems to be what happened.
Señorías, tenemos la posibilidad de efectuar una comprobación técnica para saber si hay una papeleta que ha votado sola, porque es de eso de lo que se trata.